Flood Newsletter



Flood Newsletter - 9 September 2016


What with all the flooding and related issues, the SPRCA committee thought it might be useful to try and keep people informed of flood-related issues. We hope we’ve captured the key things, but as most of the committee were flooded and have had to move out, it’s been tricky to keep up. However, if there’s anything we’ve missed, do let us know via contact form on website.

Now we have a regularly updated website, we’ll be using that as the main way of communication as it keeps down costs and time distributing fliers like this one. It’s also easier to put up instant news whereas lead-in time for a newsletter like this is a couple of weeks. We’ll still put posters up on trees for specific events such as Halloween and the AGM. However, not everyone has access to the internet, so if you’d like to continue to get paper copies, could you let us know by either calling Sean Russell on 07776215873 or putting a note through his door: 25 Third Avenue.

Website: is now not only up and running and beautified as reported at AGM in May, but is actually being kept up to date with content courtesy of Jon Jones. Just so people know, it’s: www.sprca.net.

Council Tax rebate for those being temporarily re housed due to flooding: there is a sort of precedent as people in some other parts of the country seem to have had rebates. Our investigations have met with contradictory responses. However, it might be that once your insurance company has agreed on a final settlement, then a case can be made to the council. We have written to our local councillors to sort this out.

Enhanced drainage 3rd Avenue and Sir Johns: the council moved very quickly to demolish the wall at the end of 3rd, level the curb and put in two extra drains. We expect the same to happen in Sir Johns – if it hasn’t soon, we’ll contact council. The work on 3rd and the clearing of undergrowth by the bank has revealed another, original outflow into the Rea which is completely blocked. We’re asking for that to be looked at.

Flood proofing: Lorna is organising a visit to a company in Droitwich that makes flood proof doors and airbricks etc. This might takes a few weeks, but once done, we’ll report back.

Flood prevention scheme: all of you should have had a letter from our MP, Steve McCabe , informing us that the discussion of the flood prevention scheme proposed by the Environment Agency at the Council’s Planning Meeting has been postponed to mid-September and that a further information meeting is scheduled for 8th September. Once the Committee has met and announced its decision about the scheme, we’ll let you know.

Burglary: not flood related. Burglars entered a house in 3rd Avenue via open back window at night (residents were sleeping, unharmed) and made off with laptop, credit cards etc. This is a very rare crime in our area, but suggest keep windows closed at night, even though it’s still summer and muggy